A new and modern method for eco-friendly weed control


About JustCommonSense Ltd

JustCommonSense Ltd is a new and innovative swedish company that develops machinery for agribusiness.


Our first product is now available on the market.


JustCommonSense AB 

Lösen 123

371 94 Lyckeby


Phone: +46 709 - 57 33 30

E-mail: Jonas@jcs-innovation.se


Please call or send e-mail for more information!




My name is Jonas Carlsson and I am managing director of JustCommonSense AB. I am also the inventor of Weedcutter CombCut, which I developed initially to solve the problems I encountered on my own farm. I have been farming for around 20 years and have farmed organically for the past 10 years. I was born and reared on a farm, so since childhood I have been aware of the problems that can arise and how machines and farming go together.  If you would like to find out more about Weedcutter CombCut, feel free to call me and I can explain in detail how it works.
The machine is now available for sale.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Jonas Carlsson
+46 709 - 57 33 30
P.S. A lot of people have helped me in various ways in the development of Weedcutter and the patent protecting it.
They include:
- LRF Innova
- Länsstyrelsen i Blekinge
- Almi
- SLU Ekoforsk (research i 3 år)


Jonas Carlsson and his invention.




For eco-friendly control of coarse weeds in leys and cereal crops

Copyright ® 2010 JustCommonSense Europe AB  

